Archaeological background
Artefacts, Radiocarbon Dates, Charcoal, Hazel Coppicing, Settlement, Graves, Hulled Sixrow Barley, Excavated, Postholes, Beads, Lithic Scatters, Stone, Pottery, Early Historic Cist Burials, Cereal, Ditch, Metalworking, Gravel Quarrying, Burnt Mound, Funerary, Cistburials
Artefacts, Radiocarbon Dates, Charcoal, Hazel Coppicing, Settlement, Graves, Hulled Sixrow Barley, Excavated, Postholes, Beads, Lithic Scatters, Stone, Pottery, Early Historic Cist Burials, Cereal, Ditch, Metalworking, Gravel Quarrying, Burnt Mound, Funerary, Cistburials
Prehistoric, Iron Age
Prehistoric, Iron Age
The Kilmartin Glen contains some of the most important archaeological monuments in Britain. The most prolific are prehistoric monuments although there are also a variety of Iron Age and early historic sites.
How to Cite
Abernethy, Duncan. 2008. “Archaeological Background”. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 27 (January):7. //