The Iron Age settlement: excavation results
Rectangular Structures Pit Graves Fence Lines Pitted Boundaries Fencelines Pits Postholes, Settlement Excavation, Postring Ringgroove Ringditch, Settlement, Burial Radiocarbon
Rectangular Structures Pit Graves Fence Lines Pitted Boundaries Fencelines Pits Postholes, Settlement Excavation, Postring Ringgroove Ringditch, Settlement, Burial Radiocarbon
Iron Age
Iron Age
This section comprised a detailed archaeological description of the excavated features of the Iron Age settlement. Features include enclosing works (inner and outer enclosures), a variety of building types (post-ring, ring-groove, ring-ditch and rectangular structures), pit graves, fence lines, pitted boundaries, fence-lines, pits, postholes and a dog burial. Radiocarbon dates are also incorporated.
How to Cite
Dunwell, Andrew. 2007. “The Iron Age Settlement: Excavation Results”. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 24 (January):32-72. //