Lecture Summaries

Mike McCarthy (Author)

Thomas Owen Clancy (Author)

Roderick McCullagh (Author)

S H R Aldhouse-Green (Author)

Perilla Kinchin (Author)

Catherine Johns (Author)

Ann MacSween (Author)

Lecture summaries


Seven lecture summaries:
Early medieval Carlisle: the development of an Anglo-Scottish town to the late 13th century
Adomnan, lona and the cult of the Saints
The Lairg Project: the prehistory of a Highland landscape
Cannibals and Carnivores: Pontnewydd Cave and the earliest Palaeolithic of Wales
Tea and Taste: Glasgow tea rooms 1875-1975
Seventy-five Years on: the Treasure of Traprain and its place in the study of late Roman silver
A petrographic study of the Neolithic pottery from the site of Pool, Sanday, in the Orkney Islands


How to Cite
McCarthy, M., Clancy, T. O., McCullagh, R., Aldhouse-Green, S. H. R., Kinchin, P., Johns, C., & MacSween, A. (1995). Lecture Summaries. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 124, 543–550. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.124.543.550

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