The artefacts

Barbara Ford (Author)

Adrian Cox (Author)

Dennis Gallagher (Author)

Caroline Wickham-Jones (Author)

J Bateson (Author)

Copper Alloy Gold Lead Alloy Iron Bone Glass Ceramic Building Material, Coins Materials, Artefact, Artefacts, Leather Offcut
Medieval, 14th Centuries, Early 20th Century, 19th Centuries, 16th Century, 13th, 17th Century


Artefacts from the excavations are described and discussed below. For each burgh, the artefacts report begins with brief summaries of the assemblage from each excavation. Following this is a select catalogue of the artefacts, organised by material and artefact type. Finds from the Kelso excavations are discussed together, whereas finds from Bridgegate and Cuddyside are discussed separately. The finds include personal items, textile equipment, lithics, clay pipes and coins. Materials comprise copper alloy, gold, lead alloy, iron, bone. glass ceramic building material and a leather offcut.


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How to Cite
Ford, Barbara, Adrian Cox, Dennis Gallagher, Caroline Wickham-Jones, and J Bateson. 2003. “The Artefacts”. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 2 (January):107-25.