View Vol. 25 (2007): Excavation of a Bronze Age funerary site at Loth Road, Sanday, Orkney

Excavation of a Bronze Age funerary site at Loth Road, Sanday, Orkney

Author: Paul M Sharman

Contributors: Diane Alldritt, Ann Clarke, Ann MacSween, Effie Photos-Jones, Julie Roberts

Summary: Excavations in 1991 beside Loth Road, Sanday (NGR: HY 60553 34489), revealed a funerary site, including two cists, which contained cremated human bone, and several pits. The cremation burial in one of the cists was contained in a soapstone vessel. These features presented evidence for the sorting, selection and differential deposition of pyre remains. The cists and pits were surmounted by a kerbed cairn of unusual construction. Radiocarbon dates from the pits placed the site in the Early to Middle Bronze Age.

Keywords: Cremation Burial, Kerbed Cairn, Funerary, Cremated Human Bone, Vessel, Pits

Period: Bronze Age

Location: Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK

Published: 01-01-2007


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