Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeology at Thainstone Business Park, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire: an investigation of structures and funerary practices
Authors: Sue McGalliard and Donald Wilson
Contributors: Laura Bailey, Hilary E M Cool, Gemma Cruickshanks, Fraser Hunter, Colin Wallace and Michael Wallace
Summary: Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd was commissioned by Axiom Project Services to undertake an archaeological excavation in advance of a commercial development at Thainstone Business Park, Aberdeenshire (NGR: NJ 7707 1809). Excavation identified the remains of a Middle Bronze Age roundhouse and a contemporary urned cremation cemetery. Evidence of Late Bronze Age cremation practices was also identified. A large roundhouse and souterrain dominated the site in the 1st or 2nd century AD. Material culture associated with the Iron Age structures suggested a degree of status to the occupation there.
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
Periods: Middle Bronze Age, Middle Iron Age
Keywords: souterrain, roundhouse, cremation, urn, prehistoric settlement, prehistoric structure, cemetery
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