Excavation of a Neolithic enclosure and an Iron Age settlement at Douglasmuir, Angus

Jill Kendrick (Author)

Gordon J Barclay (Contributor)


Trevor G Cowie (Contributor)

Alan Saville (Contributor)

Jill Kendrick (Contributor)

Angela Townshend (Contributor)

Alan Braby (Contributor)

stone blade, stone disc, stone axehead, farming settlement, agricultural community
Prehistoric, Neolithic, Iron Age


The complete excavation of a post-defined Neolithic enclosure took place in 1979 and 1980 in advance of the construction of a gas compressor station for the British Gas Corporation. The enclosure appeared to have been constructed in two parts. There was little evidence for any associated activity except for a pit in the north half. Three charcoal samples from the post-holes produced radiocarbon dates in the range 3930-3390 cal BC. A small sample of a scatter of pits visible on aerial photographs was also excavated.

Six penannular ring-ditch houses dating to the mid first millennium BC were also investigated. The houses were of the broad ring-ditch type with internal ring beam support. Other features included six-post structures and crescent-shaped hollows which might be the truncated remains of further house sites. There was little horizontal stratigraphy.

The project was arranged and funded by Historic Scotland and its predecessor departments, with a contribution by British Gas.


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How to Cite
Kendrick, J., Barclay, G. J., Cowie, T. G., Saville, A., Kendrick, J., Townshend, A., & Braby, A. (1996). Excavation of a Neolithic enclosure and an Iron Age settlement at Douglasmuir, Angus. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 125, 29–67. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.125.29.67

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