Excavation of an Early Bronze Age cemetery and other sites a the West Water Reservoir, West Linton, Scottish Borders
Cists, Lead Necklace, Beaker Sherds, Burials, Grave, Vessels, Cannel Coal, Skeletal Remains, Reservoir, Cist Cemetery, Cremations Grave, Cemetery, R B K Stevenson Award
Bronze Age, Early Bronze Age
An Early Bronze Age flat cist cemetery was excavated after it was exposed by reservoir erosion. Nine surviving cists were found, containing a mixture of inhumations and cremations. Grave goods included food vessels and a unique cannel coal and lead necklace. Where skeletal remains survived, most of the deceased were sub-adult or young adults. Evidence of floral tributes was found in three burials. A number of other features, one containing Beaker sherds, may be connected to rituals taking place at the site. In addition a number of less coherent sites were excavated elsewhere around the reservoir. Discussion attempts to place the cemetery within its wider Bronze Age context, considering aspects such as the deliberate infilling of burials and the interpretation of grave goods. Includes separately authored reports on: