Excavation of a Bronze Age burial at Mousland, Stromness, Orkney

Jane Downes (Author)

Camilla Dickson (Contributor)

Charles French (Contributor)

Pat Hinton (Contributor)

Jacqueline I McKinley (Contributor)

Robert Scaife (Contributor)

Burial, Charcoal, Micromorphological Analyses, Cremation, Cist, Burial Mound, Mound
Middle Bronze Age, Bronze Age, 1478


An earthen burial mound with a surrounding kerb was excavated in 1990. The central cist contained a cremation of an adult, possibly female. A polished stone axe lay outside the cist. A radiocarbon date from charcoal within the cist showed the remains to be of Early/Middle Bronze Age date. The cist and kerb were constructed before the mound, which was built up from successive deposits of turves and soil. Palaeobotanical and micromorphological analyses demonstrate the landscape to have been open grassland and heathland. There are reports on `Mound sequence: the preparation of the ground' by J Downes & C French (143--4), `The contents of the cist' by C Dickson, J Downes, J I McKinley & P Hinton (146--7), `The structure of the mound' by J Downes, C French, P Hinton & R Scaife (147--8).


How to Cite
Downes, J., Dickson, C., French, C., Hinton, P., McKinley, J. I., & Scaife, R. (1995). Excavation of a Bronze Age burial at Mousland, Stromness, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 124, 141–154. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.124.141.154

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