Articles by Robert, Bishop of Caithness, against George, Earl of Caithness, for various Excesses, and Breaches of Sanctuary, with the Earl's Answers and the Bishop's Replies - A.D. 1549. From the Charter-Room at Dunrobin. With Remarks on the Right of Sanctuary in Scotland before the Reformation.with remarks on the right of sanctuary in Scotland before the Reformation
How to Cite
Stuart, J. (1875). Articles by Robert, Bishop of Caithness, against George, Earl of Caithness, for various Excesses, and Breaches of Sanctuary, with the Earl’s Answers and the Bishop’s Replies - A.D. 1549. From the Charter-Room at Dunrobin. With Remarks on the Right of Sanctuary in Scotland before the Reformation.with remarks on the right of sanctuary in Scotland before the Reformation. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 11, 87–102.