A new chronology for crannogs in north-east Scotland

Michael J Stratigos (Author)

Gordon Noble (Author)

The Houff; Auchinhove; Aberdeenshire; Loch of the Clans; Nairnshire; Loch of Leys; Banchory; Castle Island; Loch Kinord; Prison Island; North-East Scotland; Scotland; UK
Iron Age, Medieval, Early medieval


This article presents the results of a programme of investigation which aimed to construct a more detailed understanding of the character and chronology of crannog occupation in north-east Scotland, targeting a series of sites across the region. The emerging pattern revealed through fieldwork in the region shows broad similarities to the existing corpus of data from crannogs in other parts of the country. Crannogs in north-east Scotland now show evidence for origins in the Iron Age. Further radiocarbon evidence has emerged from crannogs in the region revealing occupation during the 9th–10th centuries ad, a period for which there is little other settlement evidence in the area. Additionally, excavated contexts dated to the 11th–12th centuries and historic records suggest that the tradition of crannog dwelling continued into the later medieval period. Overall, the recent programme of fieldwork and dating provides a more robust foundation for further work in the region and can help address questions concerning the adoption of the practice of artificial island dwelling across Scotland through time.



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How to Cite
Stratigos, M. J., & Noble, G. (2018). A new chronology for crannogs in north-east Scotland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 147, 147–173. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.147.1254

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