Excavation of two cairns, a cist and associated features at Sanaigmhor Warren, Islay, Argyll and Bute

Murray Cook (Author)

D Rankin (Contributor)

C Ellis (Contributor)

R Cowie (Contributor)

A Sheridan (Contributor)

K McSweeney (Contributor)

Radiocarbon, Cremations, Cairn, Cist, Radiocarbon Dates, Cremations [By Period], Cairns (Unspecified), Cists, Burial
Iron Age


A rescue excavation in a machair blow-out at Sanaigmhor Warren, Islay, recovered two urned cremations, one under a cairn comprised mainly of white quartz, and the other in a cist, associated with an orthostat. The cremations were radiocarbon dated to the IA. The paper sets these finds in their local and regional context, and briefly discusses burial practices in the period concerned. The Sanaigmhor Warren area is discussed in terms of its future archaeological potential.


How to Cite
Cook, M., Rankin, D., Ellis, C., Cowie, R., Sheridan, A., & McSweeney, K. (2000). Excavation of two cairns, a cist and associated features at Sanaigmhor Warren, Islay, Argyll and Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 129, 251–279. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.129.251.279

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