Publication fees

Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports is an open access journal. A charge applies to all reports accepted after peer review to cover the costs of production and online distribution. The charge amount is calculated using the following formula:

(word-count/600) + (image-count/2) + (table-count/2) = (estimated page-count)
(estimated page-count) x £28 = total charge

For example, if your submission is 42,000 words long with 30 images and 10 tables, then the report will cost £2,520 to publish.

(42,000 words/600) + (30 images/2) + (10 tables/2) = 90 pages
90 x £28 = £2,520

Here is a breakdown of how the funds are used:

Service function Amount Rounded percentage of total
Editorial & admin £220 9%
Pre-production £36 1%
Copy-editing £770 31%
Typesetting £460 18%
Proof-reading £440 17%
Online distribution £470 19%
Long-term preservation £120 5%
Domain name registration £4 0%
Total £2,520 100%