Microlithic and Bronze Age camps, 75-26 ft OD, N Carn, Isle of Jura

John Mercer (Author)

A E A Werner (Contributor)

R E Binns (Contributor)

D M Henderson (Contributor)

Cores Flakes Steeplytrimmed Microliths Microburins Scrapers Blades, Charcoal, Hearth, Flint
Mesolithic, Bronze Age


NR 685939. Mesolithic occupation on a natural platform at the head of N Carn bay included a small L-shaped setting and boulder interpreted as a possible hearth and seat. Charcoal from the setting yielded a radiocarbon date in 6th millennium bc, and associated flint and quartz artefacts included cores, flakes, steeply-trimmed microliths, microburins, scrapers, blades and gravers. Later activity on the site was represented by a fragment of a scale-flaked tool and a 14C-date in earlier 2nd millennium, and also by three barbed-and-tanged points. Pollen evidence is discussed. A R


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How to Cite
Mercer, J., Werner, A. E. A., Binns, R. E., & Henderson, D. M. (1974). Microlithic and Bronze Age camps, 75-26 ft OD, N Carn, Isle of Jura. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 104, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.104.1.22