The Excavation of the Sculptor's Cave, Covesea, Morayshire
Pictish symbols, Human remains, Animal remains, Rock carvings, Gold rings, Bronze rings, Penannular bracelets, Bone needles, Netting needles, Bronze wire beads, Zoomorphic pins, Bronze Age pottery, Samian pottery, Roman coins
Sculptor’s Cave, Covesea, Moray, Scotland
Roman, Bronze Age, 1928-1930
An account of the excavation of Sculptor’s Cave made famous by its Pictish carvings, which was led by Sylvia Benton. The earliest Bronze Age phase of occupation is represented by a range of objects including gold and bronze rings, bracelets, worked bone objects including needles and pottery. Material from the Roman phase include bronze rings, bracelets, wire and glass beads, pins, toilet instruments, needles, samian and native pottery and coins. Disarticulated human bone comprised mainly children. Animal bone was also present throughout.