Kisimul, Isle of Barra part 2

Archaeology and prehistoric occupation

Julie Franklin (Author)

Julie Lochrie (Contributor)

Castle, Midden, Gold lace tag, Craggan Ware pottery, Incised Ware pottery, Hearth, Animal bone, Organic material, Flint implement
Kisimul Castle; Barra; Outer Hebrides; Scotland; UK
Prehistoric, Neolithic, Iron Age, Middle Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age, Stuart


Kisimul Castle was taken into the guardianship of Historic Scotland in 2000 and, in order to inform any future works for its upkeep, a programme of archaeological evaluation, building recording and historical research was undertaken in 2001. Following on from this, a detailed programme of post-excavation analysis and research was conducted in 2011–12. The historical and architectural work has been published as Part 1 (Holden 2017). This Part 2 covers the archaeological work. While frustratingly little was revealed by the archaeology in terms of the construction of the castle, it did identify evidence for prehistoric as well as post-medieval occupation. The finds, including a significant quantity of craggan ware pottery and an exquisite gold lace tag, provide an evocative picture of life on the isle and its inhabitants.


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How to Cite
Franklin, J., & Lochrie, J. (2018). Kisimul, Isle of Barra part 2: Archaeology and prehistoric occupation. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 147, 49–72.