Excavations at Balelone

Heather James (Author)

Peter Strong (Author)

Postholes, Midden, Drystone Structure Pits, Animal Bone, Radiocarbon Dates, Mound, Stone Structure
Bronze Age, Neolithic, Mesolithic, Bronze Ageearly Iron Age


Details of site location are followed by a description of the site prior to excavation. It was visible as a 2-m high elongated, grass-covered mound with a stone structure near its centre. The site is described in a series of nine blocks with remains including midden deposits, a drystone structure, pits and postholes. Information on animal bone and radiocarbon dates is integrated into each of the descriptions which are followed by interpretations of the features.


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How to Cite
James, Heather, and Peter Strong. 2003. “Excavations at Balelone”. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 3 (January):32-42. https://journals.socantscot.org/index.php/sair/article/view/428.