Part 2 The environmental remains

Stephen Carter (Author)

Tim Holden (Author)

Mhairi Hastie (Author)

Catherine Smith (Author)

Ruby Cerón-Carrasco (Author)

Carbonised Plant Remains, Faunal Remains, Fish Bone, Environmental Evidence
Late 15th To 20th Century


The environmental evidence comprised carbonised plant remains, animal and fish bone, and soils and sediments. The data were collected during the initial evaluation, various set-piece excavations and watching briefs. During the main excavation, data collected by hand were supplemented by an intensive programme of soil sieving. In particular, the extensive spreads of 'garden soil' were targeted. The reports on the carbonised plant remains and the faunal remains deal with the assemblages from the main excavation and Queensberry House separately, but each considers the results in a final discussion.


How to Cite
Carter, Stephen, Tim Holden, Mhairi Hastie, Catherine Smith, and Ruby Cerón-Carrasco. 2010. “Part 2 The Environmental Remains”. Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 40 (January):69-116. //