Tulloch Wood, Forres, Moray: the survey and dating of a fragment of prehistoric landscape

Stephen Carter (Author)

Radiocarbon Dates, Field Systems, Settlement, Bank System, Cairns
Mesolithic, Iron Age, Prehistoric


A 27ha area of prehistoric settlement and field systems was surveyed at Tulloch Wood in 1990. Sample excavation was carried out in 1991 and fifteen radiocarbon dates were obtained from beneath a range of monument types. Negative features overlain by later banks and cairns were found to be Mesolithic in date, but may not have been man--made. The earliest dated surface feature is a clearance cairn which is no older than c 2000 bc A coaxial bank system, established at about 1350--1100 bc, may be contemporary with at least one of the hut circles. Three other hut circles, and modifications to the bank system, appear to be Iron Age in date, c 450 bc to ad 250.


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How to Cite
Carter, S. (1994). Tulloch Wood, Forres, Moray: the survey and dating of a fragment of prehistoric landscape. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 123, 215–233. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.123.215.233