Society in Scotland from 700 BC to AD 200

Richard Hingley (Author)

household, community
Iron Age


This paper considers the evidence for Iron Age society in Scotland. Limitations of past research are considered and it is argued that new perspectives currently developing are vital to attainment of a comprehensive understanding of past society. A thematic approach is used to review some useful recent work. This approach considers the evidence from Scotland for the organisation of the household, of the community, and for the nature of production, exchange and deposition. The information reviewed suggests that some understanding of Iron Age society in Scotland exists and that the high quality of recent work and the excellent preservation of the evidence promises a very healthy future for the subject. 101 Iron Age sites and findspots are listed in an Appendix.


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How to Cite
Hingley, R. (1993). Society in Scotland from 700 BC to AD 200. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 122, 7–53.

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