Excavation of the Forts of Castlehill, Aitnock, and Coalhill, Ayrshire
Stone, Samian Iron Objects Shale Glass, Stone Wall, Coins Coalhill Fort, Ditch, Ditches, Stone Wall Artefacts, Artefacts, Glass Pottery Bone Worked Stone
Stone, Samian Iron Objects Shale Glass, Stone Wall, Coins Coalhill Fort, Ditch, Ditches, Stone Wall Artefacts, Artefacts, Glass Pottery Bone Worked Stone
April 1710, 19th 20th 21st
April 1710, 19th 20th 21st
Castlehill Fort was unknown prior to excavation. It is located on a summit of isolated rock surrounded by a stone wall. Traces of a probable building were found inside and artefacts included Samian, iron objects, shale, glass and bronze. Altnock Fort was on the summit of a cliff and was defended by a deep ditch and a stone wall. Artefacts included glass, pottery, bone, worked stone and coins. Coalhill Fort, on the ridge of a small hill had double ditches cut into the rock and a stone wall. The only artefacts were of worked stone.
How to Cite
Smith, J. (1919). Excavation of the Forts of Castlehill, Aitnock, and Coalhill, Ayrshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 53, 123–134. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.053.123.134