On the Examination of Two Hut Circles in the Strath of Kildonan, Sutherlandshire, one of which has an Earth House annexed

Alexander O Curle (Author)

Earth House, Sherds, Floor, Pottery, Stone, Artefacts, Bank


In Sutherland hut circles exist for the most part by the sides of the straths forming the natural highways into the interior, by the shores of the lochs, and on the slopes of the hills, often at an elevation of some 500 to 600 feet. In several instances, an earth house, or underground gallery, forms a part of the plan. The hut circle at Kinbrace is oval in plan. Excavation revealed a stone paved floor, a facing of large stones on the inner face of the bank and the entrance to an earth house which was too dangerous to investigate. A few sherds of pottery and part of a shale armlet were found. At Askaig there is a group of features consisting of one or two hut circles and about a dozen mounds. The feature examined comprised two circles approximately concentric, the one some 5 feet within the other, but connected for a distance of about 15 feet on either side of the entrance passage by a stony bank or rubble wall. The entrance was entirely blocked by stones. No artefacts were recovered


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How to Cite
Curle, A. O. (1911). On the Examination of Two Hut Circles in the Strath of Kildonan, Sutherlandshire, one of which has an Earth House annexed. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 45, 18–26. https://doi.org/10.9750/PSAS.045.18.26

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