Anniversary meeting

30 November 1977

Anniversary meeting, Fellow election, Other Society business


At the Anniversary meeting the Annual Report was delivered, covering topics such as Fellowship, Meetings, Excavations and publications. Preparations were also made for the Society’s bicentenary and a Loyal Address was presented to the Queen for her silver jubilee. The Treasurer then presented the report on the Society’s accounts. An amendment to the Society’s Laws that was proposed at the previous Anniversary meeting was discussed and approved. The Council for the following session was then elected and a list of Fellows who died or resigned during 1976-1977 was read.At the Anniversary meeting the Annual Report was delivered, covering topics such as Fellowship, Meetings, Excavations and publications. Preparations were also made for the Society’s bicentenary and a Loyal Address was presented to the Queen for her silver jubilee. The Treasurer then presented the report on the Society’s accounts. An amendment to the Society’s Laws that was proposed at the previous Anniversary meeting was discussed and approved. The Council for the following session was then elected and a list of Fellows who died or resigned during 1976-1977 was read.

Notes for the guidance of contributors are appended.


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How to Cite
-, .-. (1979). Anniversary meeting: 30 November 1977. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 108, 394–402.