Anniversary meeting
1 December 1947
Anniversary meeting, Fellow election, Donations, Purchase, Other Society business, George VI, Elizabeth II, Meeting notes
At the Anniversary meeting a list of newly elected Fellows was presented, as was a list of deceased Fellows and a report on how this affected the Society's roll overall. Other reports presented included:
A report on the Society’s publications
A report on the Society’s museum and library collections
Short notes on the offices of Librarian and Treasurer
A report on the excavations that took place during the preceding session
A note on the Rhind Lectures
An address to the King was then read, congratulating both him and his daughter Princess Elizabeth on her marriage.
Honarary Fellows were elected and alternations ot the Society’s Laws were approved. The Treasurer then presented the Financial Statement.
A list of meetings of the Society in 1946-1947 is appended.