Littleferry, Sutherland

an earlier prehistoric coastal site in context

Richard Bradley (Author)

Aaron Watson (Author)

Ronnie Scott (Author)

Annette Jack (Author)

Arrowhead, Flint blade, pottery sherd, field-walking, scraper, mineral
Littleferry; Golspie; Loch Fleet; Sutherland; Scotland; UK; NGR: 8059 9574
Neolithic, Early Neolithic, Middle Neolithic, Late Neolithic, Early Bronze Age


The paper considers the significance of one of the largest collections of earlier prehistoric artefacts associated with a Scottish dune system. It came from a narrow spit, formerly an offshore island, at the mouth of Loch Fleet and was dominated by large numbers of arrowheads dating from the Early Neolithic period and the Beaker phase. They seem to have been made there, and many were unfinished. The original findspots are inaccessible today, but a programme of field walking in the surrounding area confirmed their exceptional character. Perhaps this remote location was chosen as a production site because of the specialised roles played by the artefacts made there. The results of this project are compared with similar evidence from the Culbin and Luce Sands.



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How to Cite
Bradley, R., Watson, A., Scott, R., & Jack, A. (2018). Littleferry, Sutherland: an earlier prehistoric coastal site in context. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 147, 17–28.

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