MacDonald WR. Notes on the Heraldry of Elgin and its Neighbourhood: including the Cathedral, Bishop’s House, Greyfriars, and High Street in Elgin; Spynie Place, Church of Holy Trinity at Spynie, Lhanbryd Church, Coxton Tower, Birnie Church, Kinloss Abbey, Burgie Castle, Duffus Church, Gordonstown House, Ogston Church, Kinneder Church, Drainie Church, St Andrew’s Church, Innes House, Pluscardin Priory, Cullen Church, Deskford Church, and Banff. PSAS [Internet]. 1900 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];34:344-429. Available from: https://journals.socantscot.org/index.php/psas/article/view/6785