Account of the Parish of Haddington
John Knox, Ada de Warenne, Earl of Lauderdale, Richard Maitland, William Maitland, John Maitland, Thomas Maitland
18th century
SECTION I. Situation, Boundaries, and Topographical Description of the Parish, Number of Inhabitants, Ancient and Modem Seats, Nature of Soils, State of Agriculture, Rivers, Bridges, etc. (page 40)
SECTION II. Its Antiquity, Police, Trade, Manufactures, Remarkable Occurrences, etc. (page 50)
SECTION III. Abbacy of Haddington, Parish Church of Haddington, and other Religious Foundations, with the succession of Ministers since the Reformation, and other particulars relating to Ecclesiastical History. (page 62)
SECTION IV. Eminent Persons who were natives of the Parish of Haddington. (page 69)
APPENDIX I. Catalogue of Pictures at Amisfield. (page 77)
APPENDIX II. List of the Farms and Ploughgates in the County of Haddington. (page 84)
APPENDIX III. Condescendence by Mr William Law, Sheriff Depute of the County of Haddington, of his Mode of Striking the Fiars of that County. (page 90)
APPENDIX IV. Act of Parliament in favoris of the Towne of Haddington, 28th Junii 1633. (page 96)
APPENDIX V. The Inscriptions upon the Monument in the Earl of Lauderdale’s Aile upon the North Side of the Church of Haddington. (page 102)
APPENDIX VI. Carta Confirmationis, Cartae Prioratui de Hadington per Willielmum St. Andreae concessae. (page 106)
APPENDIX VII. Ex Cartul. Priorat. St Andr. Ricardus de Ecclesia de Hadintona. (page 112)